Goblin Rank

Goblin Rank

$10.00 $8.00

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Permanent Access to Goblin Rank.
Prefix In-Game: [Goblin]

- $250,000 (/reclaim)
- 15,000 EXP (/reclaim)
- 2 Chasm Key ($6.00 TOTAL) (/reclaim)
- 2 Tier 4 Enchant Book (/reclaim)
- Keep EXP on death

- Access to /roam
- Access to /bottle
- Access to /sell hand
- Access to 1 PV (/pv 1)
- Access to 3 homes (/sethome)
- Access to Sandstack 4 (/sandstack 4)

Goblin Kit (/kit goblin | 24 HR Delay):
- Full P1U1 Netherite Armor
- Sharpness 1 Netherite Sword
- Efficiency 1 Unbreaking 1 Netherite Tools (Axe, Shovel, Pickaxe)
- 4 Creeper Eggs
- 32 TNT
- 64 Steak
- 16 Enderpearls
- 32 Bottles of Enchanting
- 8 Golden Apples (regular)